Wednesday, 13 April 2011

MMR Jab, just one example of Science and bad press...

Sometimes of course, everything gets bad press..  including science.
I took a look at some of the most controversial news stories around science..

One of the biggest and most controverscial and high profile science debates has been whether the MMR jab causes autism in children. the deabte started when a leading doctor -  Dr Andrew Wakefield, a specialist in bowel diseases conducted a study into whether the jab caused changes in  children who were 'normal' before reciving the jab. Dr. Wakefield was sure that a number of children he had seen begun with symptoms of a new bowel disease which linked to autism. He created a research report on this and suggested at the press confrence that the MMR jab should therefore not  be used. This caused a media storm, which has still not been forgotten today. Debates are still ongoing, and Dr. Wakefield has since been struck from the medical register.

And whilst MMR take up has suffered after Dr. Wakefields claims, the take up in cumbria is now starting to rise..
hypodermic needle IMG_7418
Picture from.. Stevendepolo on flickr

You can see more at these links... BBC Horizon, BBC research timeline , Science learn

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