Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Citizen Scientists... you can be one!!

Another thing I came across whilst on the Bang Goes the Theory website was the new evolving use of the general public in scientific studies. It's called Citizen science - Basically you, me and everyone in the general public can get involved in helping scientists understand everything science by getting involved with individual studies! The studies can involve everything from clouds and wind speed (as featured on last night's show!) to helping scientists at the Open University understand human nature!!

Which is exactly what I did!! Follow this link, to do a 20ish minute test, and not only find out what type of risks you're more likely to take in life, but also help science! What could be better?? :D
(Downside being a 2min sign up to the BBC website, but that can be used for all sorts - go on, don't let something small put you off!!)

Below are my lovely results!!

 This general result doesn't suprise me, I was given some more detailed results on how I over-estimated lethal risks and under-estimated non-lethal risks in most of the examples I was given. But I'm not wanting to show you the graphs just yet as I think they'll give anyone reading this before doing the test the answers!! So I wont do that.. but here is another graph of how likely I am to take certain risks!

I now actually honestly feel like I've learnt something about myself in one way, but in another I'm not overly shocked or suprised by the results - Everyone I meet says I'm a bit outspoken and SEEM confident, though I'm really not!!
I just know my opinions, am not shy in expressing them, and that can sometimes get me into trouble!! Ooops!!

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